Imagine the World…
Imagine the World being kept safe from within and externally…if it’s not already being actioned - is this how it might be done……
Imagine the World being kept safe from within and externally (like from the Solar System/s).
If it’s not already being actioned, is this how it might be done:
Every genuinely ‘Good’ Police Officer (including those seen and unseen) should be protecting every Life. But it is both laughable and head-shaking that I am having to specifically specify the word ‘Good’ alongside Police.
The natural Stars and the Moon are more visible at night time but they are still there during the day, (as if) keeping ‘Watch’ - like Space Stations - over the Earth from afar. Perhaps might even be giving us a ‘false sense of security’. An Astronomer can and/or could, perhaps, shed more light on this and how this can and/or could be a ‘force for good’ for every Life - free of Racism and Discrimination.
Every genuinely ‘Good’ Police Officer (including those seen and unseen) genuinely protecting every Life - should also be genuinely ‘protected’ too. We all can’t risk endangering and losing ‘Good People with good hearts’. Again…it is both laughable and head shaking that I am having to specifically specify the word ‘Genuine’ alongside People.
This is not about perfection because nothing will ever be perfect and this, itself, should not be interpreted as hopelessness - far from it.